NEW American Speedwell $9.95 - $12.05 A delicious edible native plant with beautiful blue flowers. Latin:Veronica Americana Type:perennial, herb Full Size:1-3' Zones:3 - 8 Quick Shop
Pre-order NEW Coastal Strawberry $9.85 - $15.35 A fruiting, evergreen groundcover native to beach and meadow habitats. Latin:Fragaria Chiloensis Type:perennial, herb Full Size:1 foot Zones:4 - 8 Quick Shop
NEW Early Blue Violet $9.85 - $15.95 A beautiful groundcover and wildflower with edible blue-purple flowers and heart-shaped leaves. Latin:Viola Adunca Type:perennial, herb Full Size:4 inches Zones:4 - 8 Quick Shop
NEW Fiddlehead Fern $9.95 - $24.15 A large, graceful, deciduous fern with edible and nutritious fiddleheads. Latin:Matteuccia struthiopteris Type:perennial, herb Full Size:3 feet Zones:2 - 7 Quick Shop
NEW Lady Fern $9.85 - $23.05 Lady Fern is a graceful, deciduous fern with tasty fiddleheads and lacy ornamental fronds. Latin:Athyrium filix-femina Type:perennial, shrub Full Size:2-5 Feet Zones:4 - 8 Quick Shop
NEW Miner's Lettuce $7.65 A world-class native salad green with tender, succulent leaves that melt in your mouth. Latin:Claytonia Perfoliata Type:annual, herb Full Size:8-12 inches Zones:6 - 9 Quick Shop
Pre-order NEW Mountain Strawberry $9.85 - $15.35 A tasty wild strawberry native to North America. Latin:Fragaria virginiana Type:perennial, herb Full Size:4 inches Zones:3 - 9 Quick Shop
NEW Nodding Onion $10.95 - $17.55 A perennial wild onion with an edible bulb, onion greens, and clusters of purple-pink flowers. Latin:Allium Cernuum Type:perennial, herb, bulb Full Size:1.5 feet Zones:3 - 10 Quick Shop
NEW Oregon Stonecrop $9.85 - $15.95 A drought-tolerant succulent with beautiful flowers and edible leaves and shoots. Latin:Sedum oreganum Type:perennial, groundcover Full Size:6-8 inches Zones:5 - 9 Quick Shop
Pre-order NEW Pacific Silverweed $9.85 - $17.55 A perennial groundcover with yellow flowers, edible leaves, and edible roots that taste like sweet potatoes. Latin:Argentina egedii Type:perennial, herb Full Size:1.5 feet Zones:4 - 8 Quick Shop
NEW Pacific Waterleaf $9.85 - $15.95 A little-known, native vegetable with hearty edible leaves, stems and rhizomes and tufts of bell-shaped white … Latin:Hydrophyllum tenuipes Type:perennial, herb Full Size:2 feet Zones:7 - 10 Quick Shop
Pre-order NEW Redwood Sorrel $10.95 - $17.55 A shade-loving, perennial groundcover with edible, clover-shaped leaves and white to pink flowers. Latin:Oxalis Oregana Type:perennial, herb Full Size:6 feet Zones:7 - 10 Quick Shop
NEW Salal Berry $10.95 - $21.95 A well-loved evergreen groundcover with bell-shaped blossoms and tasty blue-black berries. Latin:Gaultheria Shallon Type:perennial, shrub Full Size:3-6 feet Zones:5 - 10 Quick Shop
NEW Spreading Wood Fern $9.85 - $13.15 An evergreen fern with ornamental fronds and an edible sweet rootstock. Latin:Dryopteris Expansa Type:perennial, herb Full Size:3 feet Zones:8 - 10 Quick Shop
NEW Springbank Clover $9.85 - $13.15 A welcoming groundcover with pink flowers and tender edible leaves and rhizomes. Latin:Trifolium Wormskioldii Type:perennial, herb Full Size:4-6 inches Zones:4 - 8 Quick Shop
Pre-order NEW Woodland Strawberry $9.85 - $15.35 Our native Northwest strawberry species with a unique and superior flavor. Latin:Fragaria Vesca Type:perennial, herb Full Size:4 inches Zones:4 - 8 Quick Shop