Wildflower Bake

Wildflower Bake

Have you met the amazing NW wildflowers that are not only beautiful, but delicious? Rice rootYampahFool's OnionHarvest BrodiaeaIndian PotatoTiger Lily... These are some of the rare treats that are hidden underground in our wildlands and - for native plant gardeners - in our gardens & kitchens.

We baked each of these bulbs, alongside our signature Nettle Pesto, for a special meal that we'd like to share with each of you.

Growing and harvesting are the hardest parts of this recipe! With each of these special plants, we strongly discourage harvesting from the wild. Instead, start your own patch and grow it over the years until there's extra to harvest.


Wildflower Bulbs (washed)
Coconut Oil
Black Sea Salt


see our Nettle Pestorecipe:

½ lb of fresh Nettle tops
½ cup sunflower seeds
½ cup pumpkin seeds
½ cup sunflower oil
4-5 cloves fresh garlic
1 tbsp cinnamon
1 tbsp sage, marjoram, or tarragon
1 pinch cayenne pepper
2 tsp salt (to taste)


1) Clean and wash the bulbs, corms, and roots thoroughly. (You can clip off shoot and roots for a cleaner look, or bake them with).
2) Halve or keep them whole. They'll take a little longer if you keep them whole.
3) Toss in oil, sprinkle with salt. Or go oil and salt free!
4) Place in oven at 400 degrees on a baking sheet.
5) Wait 25 minutes, or until slightly browned and softened.
6) Serve alone or with Nettle Pesto.

