Violet Jelly

Violet Jelly

You may remember my excitement when I found violets popping up on my Mid-Winter walk a few weeks ago. I have been absolutely thrilled to see even more every day since, and decided it was time to dig out an old friend's recipe that was gifted to me several years ago along with a small jar of jelly made from the flowers in her garden (THANK YOU, Christine!)

I didn't pick quite enough to make the full recipe this time around, but I was able to easily cut it in half and use 4oz jam jars. I ended up with four full jars with a little left over for enjoying at home. I didn't preserve mine, as I made them all for myself and my neighbors who share garden space to enjoy immediately. However, if you wish to keep some jelly for later, use your favorite canning method for preserving.


1 Pint sized jar packed with clean, freshly picked violets

2 Tbsp lemon juice

4 Cups sugar

3 Oz. liquid pectin (it is important to use liquid here for consistency)


Pour just boiled water over violets- enough to completely cover the flowers. Stir to release any air bubbles. cover and leave to steep for 12-24 hours (I started mine in the evening and left them to steep overnight). Don't be surprised by the color; the tea made from your flowers will be closer to a cobalt blue than purple!

Strain your violet tea, and if necessary add more water to make sure you have 2 cups.

Add the lemon juice and watch your violet tea change colors instantly from blue to purple.

In a large pot, bring your tea and lemon juice mixture to a boil for one minute

Add sugar and pectin, stir and bring back to a boil for one minute.

Remove from heat and skim the top of your jelly before pouring into processed/ sterilized jars. 

After cooling, your Violet Jelly is ready to enjoy! I love mixing jellies with cheese, so I immediately toasted up some GF bread, spread my favorite Brie across it, and topped it off with the Violet Jelly. I was so excited to try it that I was barely able to snap a picture before inhaling the delicious treat. Violet jelly has a subtle floral flavor with hints of honey that makes it a versatile addition to many dishes.