Gardening with the World

Gardening with the World

The newest resident in my garden this year is Quan Yin, the goddess of compassion. She sits in a reclined posture, gazing at a lotus flower held in her open palm. Her expression is soft & relaxed, but yet sees deeply into the world.

As gardeners, we hold many roles. Our gardens are certainly gifts to ourselves and our families, but they are also an avenue to holding the troubles of our world. Each simple act of planting is a balm for our being, but also a balm for our ecology and our society. Our gardens are something so personal, and yet so inherently universal.

For me, the concept of Quan Yin challenges me to hold the big picture of our ailing world in every act of gardening. Planting a seed for all that needs to sprout in the world. Weeding a patch for all that has been lost, and all we could use help letting go. Watering a plant for all the beauty that is yet to emerge. She invites me to bring the world into my garden in an easeful but meaningful way.

Tending to the Earth with mindfulness awakens something in us that is hard to find elsewhere: an aliveness, an inspiration, a remembrance - and so much more. We become more and more ourselves, and yet more and more realize ourselves as part of everything else. This sense of connectedness can then inspire us to reach out to share what we have to offer.

As we move through a contentious and divided time, can our gardens remain a place of connection? As we move into the heart of the Spring gardening excitement, I invite us to make our gardens not just a refuge for our hearts, but an inspiration for kindness to all those in need. Enjoy the dance, and the journey.


from Native Foods Nursery