Camas Acorn Cakes

Camas Acorn Cakes

We have the amazing privilege to live in the foothills of the Oregon Cascades...

amidst a dense Camas Lily meadow.  

The Camas blooms are incredible every year, and we've worked to add to it by sowing additional seed at different times.  Most years, we dig a few dozen bulbs and experiment with cooking.  Most recently, we made Camas Acorn Cakes, and we loved them!


***NOTE: Please only harvest Camas from private patches with permission.  Please do not harvest from the wild, as Camas populations are endangered. 

Ingredients: (serves 4)

- Two dozen medium/large Camas bulbs (see other articles on digging/cooking Camas for harvest directions)

- 1/2 cup White Oak acorn flour (or other flour) (see other articles on processing acorns for directions)

- 2 medium-sized Russet-type potatoes

- 1/2 cup finely chopped Green Onion

- Sunflower Oil

- Salt

- Black Pepper

- Cayenne

- Nutritional Yeast


1) The most time-consuming part of this recipe is preparing the Camas bulbs.  There are various ways to prepare Camas Bulbs (including the highly-skilled indigenous methods of pit-firing).  On this occasion, we chose to use a slow-cooker to do the job.  To do so, place cleaned Camas bulbs into a steamer basket and set inside a slow-cooker.  Pour a small amount of water into the bottom of the steamer.  Set on low, and cook for a minimum of 24 hours.  The bulbs should be soft, browned, and sweet to the taste when done. 


2) Steam or boil the potatoes until soft. 

3) Mash camas bulbs and potatoes together in a bowl.  

4) Add salt, pepper, green onion, and cayenne to taste.  Mix thoroughly.   


5) Form with hands into thin patties.  "Bread" patties in Nutritional Yeast.  

6) Fry in Sunflower Oil until brown on each side.  

We also made a number of other wild food recipes alongside these cakes for a big community meal!  (Camas Cakes on the right on the white plate).  Have fun and give it a try!