Ecological Groups

These plant packages consist of an arrangement of carefully curated companion plants that have common characteristics or uses.  If you purchase the full guild you will receive a 15% discount.

Evergreen Guild
Evergreen Guild

Love to have green all year around?  This package offers beautiful, edible, evergreen plants from our catalog.  California Bay Laurel stands at its center, surrounded by Evergreen Huckleberry, Salal Berry, Red Huckleberry, and the beautiful companion plant Blue Blossom Ceanothus.  Beneath grow ferns, strawberry, edible violets and more.

Planted together, this package will eventually fill an approximately 20 ft. diameter circle.

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Wild Greens Guild
Wild Greens Guild

Bring new natives flavors and nutrition to your salad bowls and prepared dishes with our WILD GREENS package. The smooth texture and taste of Miner's Lettuce; the tangy garnish of Redwood Sorrel; a side of steamed Nettle or sauteed Fiddlehead Ferns?  Eat your vegetables!

Planted together, this package will eventually fill an approximately 15 ft. diameter circle. 

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Wildflower Guild
Wildflower Guild

Plant our wildflower guild, and turn a corner of your backyard into a living bouquet - straight out of the wild meadows of the West.  These gorgeous Spring gems are a rare sight these days, even on a hike through the hills. Now you can see them outside your kitchen window!  Drop the daffodils, and give your garden unique (and tasty) flare with our native wildflowers. 

Planted together, this package will eventually fill an approximately 10 ft. diameter circle.

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Shade Garden Guild
Shade Garden Guild

This guild is full of shade-tolerant native edibles.  Even if your backyard is densely forested, you can still garden with these awesome native plants.  This package starts with three shade-tolerant berries, followed by an assortment of wild greens, wildflowers, and groundcovers.  We top it off with the companion nitrogen-fixer Redstem Ceanothus, a native shrub dawning beautiful white sprays of Spring flowers.

Planted together, this package will eventually fill an approximately 15 ft. diameter circle.

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